Shipping conditions

When can I expect delivery of my shipment?

All orders are shipped from our warehouse within 5 business days of order placement. Delivery will be between 10 and 20 business days after the ship date, depending on carrier availability and location. We apologize that shipping delays may occur if the shipment requires customs clearance or inspection, or if a shipping delay is caused by carrier service.

How can I track my order?

A tracking number will be provided in your shipping confirmation email. You can use the number and track your order at

What are your shipping charges?

We have a fixed shipping rate of $5.99 USD to all destinations worldwide.

What countries do you ship to?

We currently ship worldwide. However, if your country is not supported by our logistics, we will notify you immediately and make the necessary changes to your order. To learn more about our destination listings, contact us at

How can I change my shipping address?

A change of address is only allowed on or before 23:00 (PDT, -7 GMT) on the same day the order is placed. You may contact us at to request such changes.

Can I ship to an address other than my card billing address?

Yes, it is possible.

How will my order be shipped?

Orders are shipped on normal business days, except holidays. All orders placed on Saturday or Sunday will be shipped the following Monday.